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  • Foto van schrijverBabette KeijzerJansen

Dag 6

⭐️DAY 6⭐️

💡Reminder: Your Affiliates begin tomorrow! In the morning you will create 1 Rewards link for all of them to use, you will put your Affiliates into one chat, and you will send them a welcome message and give them the post to share.


Daily Personal Development:

GET OUT OF THEIR WALLET! You could be the reason your business is slow! Mindset check!


*Stop deciding for her.

*Stop deciding she won't be interested.

*Stop leaving her out of your mind and off of your list because you've decided she's too busy, too successful, to anything and everything.

*Find her pain!

*Find her passion!

Use your ENTHUSIASM to share! Make it about her and NOT you!

List 10 names below of those you have NOT reached out to about the opportunity because you have decided FOR her.

She deserves to know about this!


1. Make your list of 10 "no ways!" (No way would she join or buy!)

2. Send one of the following messages and tweak them to make it your own. Make it personal for EACH person you send it to. Remember, if you want HER to take time for YOU, then you better take time for her.

💡 “Girl! I saw your post and you are so dang CUTE! I hope you know I have you down as a part of my Dream Team! 🤩 You would be amazing, just sayin’!”

💡“You are killin’ me with your cute self! Do you know how much money you could be making just being yourself?! You’re so fun to watch! 🙌🏻”

💡“I saw your post and literally said out loud, ‘OMG! SERIOUSLY!’ because you’d be so good at making money on social media! If you are ever interested or just curious on how it works, don’t hesitate to reach out! 👊🏻💝”

💡Even a simple, "Girl, why aren't you doing this with me yet?! 🤩"


👉🏻Screenshot of list of 10,

👉🏻Send a message to at least FIVE people, 👉🏻Post a screenshot below of those 5+ messages in a collage!

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