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  • Foto van schrijverBabette KeijzerJansen

Dag 5

⭐️DAY 5!⭐️

Daily Personal Development:

Simon Sinek again with one of THE MOST IMPORTANT mindset shifts you will ever need! Your business and happiness depend on it. YES, it's that important! An Infinite Mindset vs. Finite Mindset! It will set you FREE!


Today we are going to work on the CONVERSATION! I want you to comment on or start a conversation with 20 EXISTING facebook friends! And I'm not talking about your 20 closest friends you see all of the time! I want you to scroll to the BOTTOM of your friends list and pick 20 people from there!

A quick message saying "Hey! I just saw your face on my FB and realized it's been SO long since we connected! How are you?!" Simple. It's OPENING the door to yet another connection! Be a real person and DO NOT bring up Younique unless they ask about it!!!! Think about how you’d feel if someone only messaged you because they saw $$ signs and wanted your money! We don’t don’t do that. We create relationships so that if someone wants our help to solve skincare/makeup/financial problems, BOOM! We are there for them!! 💜👊💜👊🏻

20 is the MINIMUM for this task! It takes minutes and you can split it up into 5 messages 4 times a day! So don't stop there, challenge yourself to do this every day!

Remember, if you want someone to spend a few minutes on your website, you should be willing to spend a few minutes focused on sending a heartfelt message to them. 💜



👉🏻Collage of the minimum 20 messages.

👉🏻Screenshot of a lash selfie on your FB wall and in your story.

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